Wednesday plans 6/29
We have a delivery in garden today. All stores are getting 3 racks with the exception of Canal Winchester, who is getting 7 racks.
I have noticed overall that it seems like we are all losing our momentum coming into these slower weeks. I totally get it. I want everyone to know that I get it. Sometimes coming in and just watering the F out of a bunch of flowers can be mundane. These are the times where I encourage you to pop in that earbud and find your happy place. Do your watering, and spend the rest of the time cleaning up areas, condensing your product, and reorganizing to make displays look full and neat. Try to find some pride in walking away from a well watered and good looking garden center.
Here is some notes sent directly over from my big boss man, and maybe that will help you in your understanding that it’s okay to get rid of the ugly stuff so we can focus on the good stuff.
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