Floral checklist



yell at snake plants

Toss unhealthy product

toss expired product

water existing product

get inventory from stock room

put out new inventory

make sure new inventory is watered

clean up unsafe water on floors

dump all water from fresh buckets

send back trays and buckets

dispose of garbage correctly

sweep floors and clean tables

merchandise correctly

have fun 

be safe

get job done

report all complaints and concerns to supervisor 

only approved priducts in coolers

cut flowers set in correct order facing closest main iaisle 

encore roses and babys breath behind them, boquets high to low, bunches, high to low, 

no out of date product

water in buckets and not more than 4 deeps in and not reused

spread out product on shelves so they are full

bouqyet bags available


no more than 3 items to a table

priduct striped horiztonal shortest to tallesty

cleans and swept under 

move roll around tables once a month to sweep under

plants watered 

no trays used unless its very small items and small cactus

orchids have plastic removed and arranged by price point and color

orchid bags available

only slide tables underneath each other on back sides not on front or main aisles


price signs on the tables for each different item, it can also be hand written

cut flowers pricing for each group, encore boquets, bunches, 

shelves priced in the cooler

hanging bbasket rack priced

large foliage plants priced


make sure any holiday or out of departyment displays are organized and priced

no cut flower buckets on the floor
