Sunday 6/4 Plans

No delivery today. 

High is in the 80s, no chance of rain. 

Hanging basket sale has ended. Please make sure all sale 2/$14 signs are removed from their displays ASAP. 

Condense, reposition product to make full displays again, water. 

If you are watering early. Remember that smaller potted items like 8pks and 6pks, etc may need watered in the afternoon if they are in direct sun. 

Check weird spots in hanging baskets- sprinklers dont hit everything 

We should not have hanging baskets on the second rod unless necessary and we should be bringing up hanging baskets from the second rod to the first rod whenever possible. 

If you don't have anything to do - please take some time to clean. I have noticed that some stores are not cleaning around our displays. We should be getting a broom and sweeping up excess leaves and dirt, on the walkways, under the tables, around the bricks. This all ends up adding to our overall appearance. 

If you have items on racks, we should be rearranging items for sell thru on rack (nothing in the middle of the racks if possible, focus to sides for easier watering and shopability). We should always be prioritizing getting items off racks ASAP. 
