Saturday/Sunday 6/18-6/19 Plans
I have a store specific post today. You only need to read your specific section.
Gahanna- Chey and Atira! Watering of course is a major concern. Moises will not be in the store on Saturday and Brad is on vacation. Moises has raised concerns about all product getting fully watered when he is not in. Let's please do him a favor and keep our eye on watering for Meijer product and Sawyer product as well. I do not expect us to spend a lot of time doing this ourselves, more so making sure that the sprinklers are getting turned on in the morning and that meijer employees see that product need watered. If they are not going to do it, lets do Moises the favor and get it done please. Some of our racked product is getting missed in our day to day - we need to make sure that we are spending the time to get racks well watered. Especially any product that may be in the middle of the racks.
Otherwise please - deadhead and prune geraniums, sunflowers, and easy daisy baskets.
Space out some product to ensure tables look full
Some toss may be needed
Please leave heat lovers on rack. We are not looking to move product because Moises will need the open space for putting up the remaining shade cloth in place.
Reynoldsburg- Madison - please make sure to spend time condensing and reorganizing by color and type in the flat areas (proven winners, garden exclusives, fancy fillers). I would like pictures to see if they have taken any time to redo their front displays like I requested. If they have not put new product on their front end caps, I would like that to happen. Let's fix up their end caps. They have also been discussing moving the product out of the greenhouse. I would like an update on if that has happened.
Grove City- Lexie, Nathan has spent some time trying to rearrange the Sun hanging baskets in the front by price. We have the 26.99 baskets and the planters together like we had discussed previously. Then the next table should be 18.99 planters/baskets and we are hoping to put the $12.99 baskets at the last table. This should keep all price points together. Also, he was able to move the garden exclusive instablooms off the cart that was inside. They were very dry. We need to be making sure we are moving the product around to ensure we are getting a deep watering when we are watering the rack. This is why we should be working to empty the rack a bit at a time and then lining the racks in a way that makes watering easy. Remember to ALWAYS PLAN FOR LAZINESS. Nathan said that he was able to give them a good watering and then put them in the sun so we are hopeful they will come back. Please let me know how they are looking and if we will need to toss- we want to avoid this if at all possible since it is new product. The toss will be flagged to the corporate office.
Please take some time to freshen up our inside endcaps - and do a full watering. It has been very hot. Take the time to do your weight checks to make sure you are getting everything fully watered. Remember that sometimes when something gets too dry, it may need a double watered because all the water will slide through the sunken in soil. Don't forget to check your front racks!! GM/Grocery entrance both.
-extra work that could be done if time permits (make sure watering is done first):
1. we would like to work fancy fillers back within the harden center inside
2. condensing 8pks so 6pks can come off the rack - they are not looking good
Canal- Kai!! First day by yourself. Make sure to get everything well watered. Please do not forget to check your front display racks at your main entrance doors.
From Melony and Jessica for specific work that needs done when watering is complete.
1. Prune the big sunflowers.
2. Shade 32 packs can be moved to the table so that all are together. This should open some space for the shade hanging baskets that we got in.
3. Inside endcaps fron tables 8 and 9 need switched up to something new - they are looking stale.
4. Melony was able to get the front filled up for the weekend! Let's try to keep everything looking good and fresh - it's a good weathered weekend and those late people may be in to do some planters!
Lancaster- Alyssa,
Monica and I spent the day on Friday trying to go through some toss and start doing some reorganizing and rearranging. One thing that I am noticing is that the store is not always doing the best job when they are watering on the front displays. We obviously do not want to make them feel like we don't appreicate them, but it is our job to make sure that the product is getting it's full watering. Please make sure to take the time to water everything very well, including your front displays by the main door (the one that leads into floral). This should be the first thing that we do for the day.
We moved the heat lovers onto the a display and I arranged what was left over onto a rack with a singluar line of product another each row to make to super easy to water. We are still stuck with a lot of 6pks on racks, but we did manage to get it down to one rack for 8pk product. Let's get that racked in the front of the garden center to try and encourage sales so we can get rid of the product. I do have sign on the rack but I did forget to put it in a plastic holder so that it would stand correctly.
We have an open table at the end of the front tables, I rearranged the new SoCal product onto the front table and moved the heat lovers under the sprinklers. I would like to get the sunflowers that are on the proven winner table with the sunflowers on the front table. I would like these sunflowers spaced out, with the only other product on the table being the proven winner baskets that are already there and the smaller PW sunflowers. The rest of the product on the table may be moved onto the empty table. I would also like to work on rearranging the hanging baskets that are in the front on the long pole. I think the 12.99 baskets are the ones that I would like on the last table but you can decide what you think would best fill the space or look good. I also am not fond of the endcap of the 15.99 petunia and impatient bowls, I think the whole end cap should be toss. I would like to see if there is something else that we could put onto the end cap. We would like to bring the hibiscus into the garden center again so that we can take down that display. Perhaps that end cap?
Thank you for listening! This is my first weekend off since before peak! I am going to not be spending very much time with my work phone so that I can enjoy some time with family. Please feel free to send me as many messages as needed to keep me updated but do not worry if I do not respond. I will still be reading!
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