Saturday 6/4 Plans
Good morning!
There is no garden deliveries today or tomorrow. We are at a maintaining period, which is important because it gives us the chance to sell what we have before we receive new stuff.
Many of you are dealing with limited table space and how that might affect your overall appearance of the garden center. Remember that we can merchandise on racks if we need to, but it's not the ideal location. We should be continuously working to figure out how we can move product around to get off of the racks. We should always be removing product from the top shelves first. Logically speaking, you can't sell it if no one can reach it.
I am noticing that the begonia baskets (9.99) are not looking great. Some of this is likely due to overwatering. Remember that begonias should have time to dry slightly before watering. If it is super wet, don't water it again.
Pruning is a major factor right now. Geraniums, petunias, marigolds, these are all flowers that need continuous pruning. When we prune and deadhead, we are improving the overall quality of product, increasing its likelihood to sell.
The only employee that should be spending any time in floral today is Chey at Gahanna, for the required hour floral visit. No one else should be in floral at this time.
Please stay hydrated, and take breaks as needed. Naikyla and Abby may leave early if work is completed and Lexie and Alyssa approve.
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