Friday 5/13 plans

Hello! Friday the 13th! Hopefully that doesn't mean bad luck for us because in my opinion it's a lucky day, but I was born on the 13th so I might be bias. 

Today we do not have any floral deliveries and I would expect that floral needs will be at a bare minimum. Unless you are a floral person finishing up your job from yesterday or you have been directly asked by me to check in on floral , there is no need to be in floral today. 

For garden, we have a delivery. Each store is expecting anywhere from 6 to 9 racks. Rack counts will be listed below. Friday is a big day for us because we are prepping for the weekend. We will also have a large change to our priorities as the weather has shifted,  -Means that our watering needs have greatly increased. When you get into your store, the 1st thing that I would expect you to do is to pull your product to the front, get the plastic off of it, and arrange it so that customers may shop off the racks while you are working on getting Everything prepped. You should start with watering, toss, and condensing. These can be done at the same time. This is going to open up your tables and ensure that all product is properly watered before we start getting everything else onto the tables. From there we need to be checking as we pull product down From the racks to make sure that it was properly watered. If it is no longer wet like it should be please make sure it gets watered as you hang it up. Watering Is now our top priority. I can excuse a messy and unorganized center that is well watered and has pristine looking product, but I cannot accept a organized garden center with a bunch of dead product. Simply, it just doesn't exist. 

When we are building our tables, we should be looking for the best product in the highest values to be putting towards the front. A lot of times we need to maximize visibility on our high dollar amount items so that it's chances of being bought are higher.
It's easier to sell 10.99 planters all around but it's not so easy to sell a $45 proven winner planter basket. So focus on your best tables 1st and work your way back. Fill it up with the good stuff and put like types together and keep it simple! The more we throw on the table the Harder it is for people to know what the price is and that's going to waste our time, and decrease our sales. It's much more likely that somebody put something down if they don't know what it costs. 

Something that everybody should be doing in this position is thinking about how the product looks on the tables. Genuinely look at it and say is this great? If your answer is this is just OK, you need to do more. This is why I'm saying that we should not be leaving early right now unless me and you have discussed it previously. This is our time to shine, this is the time that the company makes most of their profits for the year, and this is the time that people are buying. We need to have it looking it's best so that people grab it so that we don't have to take care of it. The lazier We are 
, the slower it takes to sell our product, and the more we have to take care of. Expect pruning to be an aspect of everybody's position right now. We should be displaying products, getting it watered, getting it organized, cleaning up, and then pruning. And above all else our customers should be our top priority. If it looks like somebody needs help either help them or find somebody who can. Please make sure that they feel welcomed and that they feel like you are happy to see them! It's time to put on your best face and sell some god damn plants!! 

If you don't know what to do and you don't call me - I'll be 😭. Communicate with me!! 

Rack counts per store 
Gahanna 8
Lancaster 7
Reynoldsburg 9
Grove city 7
Canal 6
